Cleaning of generator radiators, filters and water-cooled pipelines


1) Cleaning of the generator radiator: Due to long-term […]

1) Cleaning of the generator radiator: Due to long-term exposure to the outside of the generator set, dust and other contaminants will continuously adhere between the surface of the radiator and the heat sink during operation, thereby reducing heat exchange efficiency. It is recommended to use a high-pressure water gun to rinse and clean the radiator once a year, preferably from May to June.

2) Cleaning of the filter: It is recommended to inspect and clean the generator converter cooling water filter once a year.

3) Cleaning of the pipeline: The cooling pipeline is cleaned at appropriate intervals (including the piping in the converter). It is generally necessary to clean the impurities in the pipeline after two years of operation. The higher the water hardness, the shorter the cleaning cycle. Chemical cleaning should be performed by professionals.